Community Reintegration
SDEP is dedicated to connecting opportunity populations with organizations, people and resources that will support their re-entry to living and working in South Dallas. We are proactively engaging Churches & Faith Based Organizations in South Dallas to help develop a seamless pathway for individuals from the Court to be connected to our Community Reintegration Partners. These partners are working together to identify:
(1) Critical stakeholders and a plan to engage support
(2) Identification of available organizations & resources
(3) Critical needs to be met
Community Reintegration Partners of SDEP are providing the following essential resources and services:
The use of their facilities to our nonprofit social enterprise partners, who are providing direct assistance to individuals returning to south Dallas with training leading to living wage employment; and assistance with housing, transportation, health wellness & recovery; and connectivity to their community
A significant number of our nonprofit social enterprise partners providing the direct services & support to opportunity populations are seeking volunteers
Employers willing to interview, without prejudice, opportunity population job seekers who have the skills & competencies the business is seeking
Volunteers willing to serve as Coaches to individuals from Opportunity Populations, who are re-entering the South Dallas Community from institutional settings